Latest News

Dec 1 2023

Five Tips for Scoring an Esports Scholarship

Though many parents may be skeptical about their teen’s passion for video gaming (and the seemingly extensive number of hours they play them), they might be surprised—and even impressed—by the economic opportunities brought about by gaming, especially in competitive esports. Perhaps the most eye-poppingly impressive statistic parents and their college-bound kids should be aware of […]

Dec 1 2023

Parental Settings for Smart TVs

If you’re like most parents, you may feel frustrated when something as innocent and simple as turning on your smart TV can display gory images from ads for horror movies or suggestions for suggestive—or even outright raunchy—content on the home screen before you even navigate to your preferred apps and platforms. While parental controls within […]

Oct 24 2023

What Are Our Employees Watching?

One of the most common things we hear when our subscribers switch to streaming is the overwhelming amount of possibilities. Choosing your next show, movie, or documentary can be difficult, with so many excellent options at your fingertips. We polled our employees to see what they are watching to help make your decision easier. As […]

Oct 17 2023

Why is My Electric Cooperative Selling Me Internet?

Dixie Electric has worked hard to build a reliable, affordable, and dependable network with DE Fastlink. So, why is your electric cooperative getting into broadband? Today, we’re taking some time to answer that question. Read on to learn more about the history of electric cooperatives like ours—and why we view broadband as the right next […]

Oct 17 2023

Eight Real-Life Ways Fiber Internet Makes a Difference

Just about any of our customers who have already made the switch from older forms of internet (like cable) to fiber broadband will tell you that fiber’s advanced technology is vastly superior to anything else they’ve used. From downloading files at near-lightspeed, to voluminous amounts of available bandwidth for handling multiple applications simultaneously, to more […]

Oct 12 2023

Six Online Payment Options for Your Small Business

Small businesses and their leaders have way too much going on to spend time tracking down invoices or waiting for the bank to process payments. Fortunately, advanced internet-based payment systems have substantially cut down paperwork processing, as well as the time it takes to receive funds. Below, we highlight six of the best online e-commerce […]

Oct 1 2023

Get Your Home Ready for Fall

Ah, fall. The leaves are turning. The air is crisp and cool. And football is on TV. For many people, this is the best time of year. But if the longer, darker days have gotten your routine out of whack, we’ve found some helpful exercises to get you back on track. Plus, we’ve included a […]

Oct 1 2023

We Want You to Stay Cyber Safe

Over the years, you’ve come to know Dixie Electric as your trusted energy provider. Now, with the addition of DE Fastlink, we also want to be a trusted resource for online best practices. We want you to understand the importance of protecting your devices, network, online accounts, assets, and privacy.  October is regarded as National […]

Sep 19 2023

Let’s Make Your Home a Little Smarter

We get it. You can only pack so many PB&Js before your kids start complaining. Don’t worry about coming up with a new menu—we’ve found some great lunches your kids will not want to trade away. And if you’re thinking about fall trips, you’re in luck. Domestic flight prices are down and we’re showing you […]