The Summer Slowdown: Preparing Your Home Internet for Increased Demand

The summer television viewing season isn’t what it used to be.

Once known for endless reruns and launches of shows that studios deemed less likely to be successful, the world of streaming entertainment and the production houses it created are churning out phenomenal content you’ve just got to see.

The trouble is that lots of other people want to watch it too! And quite often, they’re streaming at the same time as you. And with kids out of school for the summer and many people heading indoors to escape the heat, internet usage increases during the dog days of summer. Unfortunately, along with the increased demand, streaming picture quality and overall reliability often decline, frequently turning what should be a relaxing evening into a frustrating experience. To be clear, this isn’t an issue with your amazing fiber network from DE Fastlink but with the streaming channels themselves.

And with new premieres coming this summer, you can be sure that your neighbors (and maybe you too!) will be streaming away the second these shows hit screens.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to improve your internet connection and performance, even during the summer’s high demand. And your friends at DE Fastlink are standing by to help you learn more about high-speed fiber internet and suggest adjustments inside your home to improve your Wi-Fi’s range and overall streaming experience.

Below we suggest five tips to help you beat the summer slowdown so you and your family can enjoy a better streaming experience.

Tip #1: Upgrade to Fiber Internet (if you aren’t a DE Fastlink subscriber already)

The single best thing you can do to improve your internet speed and connection is to upgrade to fiber internet. A technological wonder, fiber internet utilizes fiber-optic cables composed of ultra-thin, tiny strands of glass and other materials that transmit internet data near the speed of light.

As a result, fiber internet’s speeds exceed cable internet, which uses older technology and copper-based materials that cannot compete with fiber’s highest speeds.

Getting a dedicated fiber internet line through DE Fastlink directly to your home means you no longer have to share bandwidth with your neighbors.

Tip #2: Select the Bandwidth to Meet Your Family’s Needs

Once you’ve upgraded to fiber, talk to the customer support specialists at DE Fastlink about which level of broadband you need. You can take our free quiz here.

This will vary from household to household, and DE Fastlink’s experts can help you determine what will provide the proper amount of bandwidth. If you have multiple people in your home, be sure to choose a plan that offers enough bandwidth for the whole family to use it simultaneously. This tip will help keep the high-speed internet flowing into your home and devices and help keep the peace in your family!

Tip #3: Consider Whole-Home Coverage

Now that you have a perfect fiber internet plan for your needs, you should consider whole-home Wi-Fi coverage. You can use Wi-Fi extenders and other technology to “extend” the Wi-Fi throughout your house—even in harder-to-reach rooms upstairs or even on your back porch.

With the right setup, you may even get a strong enough Wi-Fi signal in your backyard for outdoor movie nights! Of course, the experts at DE Fastlink can help you set up whole-home coverage, too, so be sure to reach out to our customer service specialists.

Tip #4: Optimize the Position of Your Wi-Fi Router

After you’ve set up your fiber internet service, bandwidth plan, and whole-home coverage, make the most of DE Fastlink ‘s high-speed fiber internet by optimizing the location of your Wi-Fi router in your home.

Remember that obstructions like too many walls and windows can interfere with and weaken the Wi-Fi signal and reduce streaming quality as it disperses through your home.

The simplest way to assess your Wi-Fi router’s placement is to run speed tests throughout your home (where your devices are most frequently used to stream). Speed tests let you experiment with your Wi-Fi router’s position—and making even minor adjustments, like elevating the router or separating it away from other electronic devices, can make a significant difference in streaming performance. And, of course, DE Fastlink ‘s friendly technicians are always around to help you, so feel free to contact us!

Tip #5: Utilize Parental Controls

Finally, don’t forget about parental controls! This is much more than limiting or even policing content your kids may use. Parental controls let you prevent your children from using online devices during certain times of day or night, which both reduces their screen time (something all parents aim to do) and increases the amount of bandwidth for you to enjoy!

By implementing these tips, you can significantly improve the picture quality and reliability of your streaming experience, even with the increased internet demand and higher usage of the summer. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a summer of streaming!

And for more helpful tips on improving your internet experience, follow DE Fastlink ‘s social pages!

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